Why use a purifier?

Traditional air exchangers cannot filter everything. There is a way to greatly reduce dust mite allergens, viruses, bacteria, mould, bad odours, harmful chemicals, house dust, animal dander, pollen, fungi and other micro-organisms in the air.

Here is the filter of a smoker who used his P6006 air purifier for 2 weeks. His children were thrilled to notice his house was free of cigarette odour. Poor Air quality was responsible for 7.2 million deaths in 2015, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Allergists recommend a minimum CADR of 100 for a room and an air purifier with a true HEPA filter. We are proud to be one of the recommended companies.See here different strategies issued by Health Canada to reduce the levels of pollutants in indoor air.
We recommend that you use your air purifier for an average of 8 hours a day with the windows closed especially during the allergy season (pollen) or use it as needed. The filter is good for 1600 hours and should be changed between 1 to 2 times per year depending on the use and the presence of pollution.
Click here to compare us and choose the best air purifier for you!

Portable purifier ideal for your home (office, bedroom)
CADR: 120 m³/h
3 grades of fan speed
Area: 215 square feet or 20 square meters
3 steps of purification
1. Pre-filter: Removes particles easily visible to the eye (e.g. dust, hair and pet dander)
2. HEPA 13 true filter: Removes 99.97% of all particles larger than 0.1 microns
3. Activated Carbon Filter: Absorbs volatile organic compounds such as second-hand smoke and various types of polluting gases
Noise: <40dB
Power supply: 30W
Product size: 24.2 * 24.2 * 31 cm
Weight: 1.5 kg
Air quality indication from blue; best quality to red; serious contamination
Has 10 functions including aromatherapy
Price: $250 - 15%= 212,5
2 year warranty.

Ideal purifier for your home (living room, bedroom or other large room)
CADR: 310 m³/h
4 grades of fan speed
Area: 645 square feet or 60 square meters
1. Washable pre-filter: Removes particles easily visible to the eye (e.g. dust, hair and pet dander)
2. HEPA 13 true filter: Removes 99.97% of all particles larger than 0.1 microns
3. Activated Carbon Filter: Absorbs volatile organic compounds such as second-hand smoke and various types of polluting gases
4. Photocatalyst filter: Efficient degradation of formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, ammonia, TVOC and other pollutants
5. Ionizer (ON/OFF): Produces negative ions (physical adsorption) and eliminates odors with strong adsorption (Concentration: 5 million per cm3)
6. UV light: Effectively kills a variety of common bacteria and viruses inhibiting their production
Noise: <50dB
Power supply: 55W
Product size: 40.2 * 18.6 * 62.4 cm
Weight: 8.6 kg
Air quality indication from blue; best quality to red; serious contamination. The 2.5PM sensors indicate the amount of pollutant in the air as well as the air temperature and humidity.
Price: 600 - 15% = 510 (for a limited time)
2 year warranty.

Commercial Purifier (Ideal at your work, home, dental clinic, medical clinic etc.)
CADR: 510 m³/h
4 grades of fan speed
Area: 1076 square feet or 100 square meters
5 stages of purification
1. Washable pre-filter and composite filter 2-1: Removes particles easily visible to the eye (e.g. dust, hair and pet dander)
2. HEPA 13 true filter: Removes 99.97% of all particles larger than 0.1 microns
3. Activated Carbon Filter: Absorbs volatile organic compounds such as second-hand smoke and various types of polluting gases
4. Photocatalyst Filter: Efficiently degrades formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, ammonia, TVOC and other pollutants
5. UV light: Efficiently kill a variety of common bacteria and viruses inhibiting the production of them.
Noise: <55dB
Power supply: 66W
Product size: 46 * 23 * 71 cm
Weight: 10 kg
Air quality indication from blue; best quality to red; serious contamination. The 2.5PM sensors tells you the amount of pollutant in the air as well as the temperature and humidity.
Price: 800 - 15% = 680 (limited time offer)
2 year warranty.
Marie Soleil presents the P6006 air purifier
These tests were performed by an independent organization certifying the UVC efficiency of the P3001 and P6006 models on the H1N1 virus with an efficiency of more than 99,99% on the virus

Protect your family with the latest air purification technologies available. Provide a healthy environment for your family by eliminating allergens, pollen, airborne viruses, formaldehyde, bacteria and other harmful pollutants.
Employers who consider the well-being of their employees will be rewarded with more productive employees, better employee retention, and fewer absences.
Approved by the medical sector
1-2 days delivery in Quebec
30 day satisfaction guarantee
Free Returns
7 things to consider when buying an air purifier
1. Size of the Room
Air purifiers are designed to handle a limited space, typically quoted in square metres (m2). Therefore, the size of the room in which you want to use an air purifier, measured in square metres, is clearly a relevant consideration. We recommend that you always stay below the capacity limit. If you don’t, the results of using your air purifier may not be up to the mark, and you will not get the optimal air quality you could.
2. Power
The power of an air purifier is measured in terms of the speed at which it completely cleans a room’s air. This is one of the most important criteria to check when buying an air purifier. The device must filter the room’s air three times to guarantee a purification of 99.5%.
Our devices are equipped with a powerful integrated fan with speed gradations. Each device has four speed levels, reaching a maximum speed of, respectively, 120 m3/h for the P1211, 310 m3/h for P3001, and 510 m3/h for the P6006 air purifier, one of the most efficient in the industry.
3. Noise
The sound produced by an air purifier is not the same as that of a conventional fan. The air purifier forces air through its filters, causing the molecules to collide, resulting in a low-grade, whistling-like sound. Because of all of these aspects, purifier brands have focused on implementing automatic sleep modes and light-off modes to provide more nighttime comfort for home users. These modes offer the user automatic settings to purify the air without generating annoying noise.
A medium power purifier averages 30 dB of threshold sound, which is like the delicate sounds of leaves in the wind. At full power, the sound level can reach a threshold of 55 dB, which is like the ambient sound of a television. So we can conclude that it is important to consider the relationship between power and noise. The higher the power level at which you operate the purifier, the more noise it will generate..It is interesting to note that the minimum noise emitted by our purifiers is, on average, 10 dB, and it almost sounds like a whisper. This would be ideal for sleeping at night with the unit on.
All our Protech Allergy purifiers have a standby function which renders them silent
4. Types of filters
A key point not to be neglected is the filter – or, in any good purifier, the filters – used. We note that the mechanism on which air purifiers are based is the filtering of air through a semi-permeable barrier to eliminate harmful allergy-causing particles. The secret lies in the product's filters. But what types of filters are there? There are 4 basic filters that top-of-the-line purifiers generally have.
i. Nylon Filter or Pre-Filter: This is the same type of filter that an air conditioner has. It is simply a fine mesh that traps dust and very coarse particles. The function of these filters is to stop the larger particles to optimize the performance of the other filters.
ii. H13 High-Performance HEPA Filter: This filter is composed of a succession of microfine glass fibre meshes. It traps tiny dust particles and various types of germs and bacteria in the air. It manages to trap the particles either by their colliding directly with the mesh or their being trapped because the filter has a material that forces them to stay stuck. Its function is to eliminate the smallest impurities that appear in the air, so to optimize its performance it is advisable to have a pre-filter as described above to first eliminate the largest particles.
iii. Activated Carbon Filter: This filter is made of pure porous carbon that transforms gaseous particles into solids through a chemical process. Activated carbon is a combination of several carbon compounds and allows only particles smaller than 50 nm (nanometres) to pass. Its primary function is to trap the tiny biological particles that cause odours in the environment and other types of germs produced by pets in the environment.
iv. Photocatalytic Filter: This is a titanium dioxide filter that works in combination with a UV lamp to trap very fine dust particles and tiny bacteria in the air. This process conserves and accumulates energy from the UV lamp to destroy microorganisms, and transforms VOCs (volatile organic compounds, such as formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, ammonia, TVOC, and other pollutants) into H2O and CO2.
v. UV Function
The UV (ultraviolet) lamp contained in an air purifier can kill over 99.9% of germs, bacteria, and viruses in the air. Indeed, independent tests conducted on our P3001 and P6006 models, which have a UV function, have shown that they eliminate over 99.99% of H1N1 viral particles. . The UV function works in conjunction with the photocatalytic filter.
vi. Ionizer Function:
The ionizer function, or also known as negative ionization, is an electrostatic system that activates the movement of ions, causing the release of static anions. Its negative ionization system eliminates bacteria and micro-organisms that are sensitive to electrical contact with these ions.
To be a bit more technical, we would say that this function eliminates harmful particles by creating negative ions (anions). We live in the lower part of the atmosphere, where almost all chemical compounds are positively charged.When the anions are released by the purifier’s ionizer, they are attracted to the positively charged harmful particles, and they bind together. The harmful particle then becomes so heavy that it falls to the ground. It should be noted that the floor on which the device is used must then be cleaned.
More than six million ions per second are released by our P3001 model. These anions help to rebalance your environment. Research suggests that negative ions energize and soothe us, while positive ions stress and tire us. Ions: Where to find them? At the foot of a waterfall: 50,000 negative ions/cm3. In the mountains: 8 000 to 12 000 negative ions/cm3. By the sea: 4,000 negative ions/cm3. In the forest: 3,000 negative ions/cm3. After a storm: 1,500 to 4,000 negative ions/cm3. In the countryside: 500 to 1,200. . Large, dense cities have a very low concentration of negative ions.
vii. Maintenance
An important consideration is how often the units should be maintained. The maintenance of the air purifier is based on the periodic cleaning (and, eventually, replacing) of the pre-filter. It is recommended to handle the filter gently and to read the manual in case there are any differences with this basic procedure. Our purifiers (P1211, P3001 and P6006) generally work for 1,600 hours before their pre-filters need to be replaced.. If you have a polluted environment and use the purifier frequently, we recommend changing the filter twice a year. Otherwise, in environments with little pollution and normal use, changing the filter once a year may be sufficient.
Washing the Pre-Filter (only on models P3001 and P6006).
It is easy to access the filters by opening the housing of the unit. Carefully remove the pre-filter. With a vacuum cleaner, clean all the cavities of the filter. Then, wash it with plenty of water (only the pre-filter, of course). We wait for the pre-filter to dry completelyand then put it back in the unit exactly as it was before.
The other filters, such as the photocatalyst filter, the activated carbon filter, and the HEPA filter are not washable . When they have reached their useful life (1600 hours), they must be removed and replaced with a new filter, which can be purchased easily on our website.