what is mold allergy

There are many types of mold living in your environment. Molds grow indoors and outdoors, in warm, dark and damp places. Molds reproduce and grow by releasing tiny spores into the air. If inhaled, these spores can cause asthma symptoms.

Environmental control

Once allergies have been identified, the next step is to reduce or eliminate contact with allergens. This is known as environmental control. There is sufficient evidence to show that asthma and allergy symptoms can improve over time if the recommended environmental changes are made. Many of these changes are made throughout the home. The bedroom is the most important place, as this is where people spend 1/3 to 1/2 of their time.

Measures to combat mold allergens

In the bathroom - use the extractor fan or open the window to let the moisture out after a shower. Dry damp surfaces after showering. Clean bathrooms with a special mixture to prevent mold growth or kill mold, at least once a month.

In the kitchen - use the extractor fan to let steam escape. Throw away bad food immediately. Take out the garbage cans every day. Frequently empty the water under refrigerators with automatic defrost.

Discard moldy items. Make sure water infiltrations are cleaned up. Control humidity levels (45% and below) with an air conditioner or dehumidifier.

The dryer must exhaust the air outside the house, as this increases the humidity in the room and creates a favorable environment for mold growth. If you must use a humidifier, clean it daily to prevent mold growth. Your healthcare provider may recommend more medication, therapy or other means of environmental control. Contact with mold can aggravate asthma symptoms in some people. To avoid these problems, follow the steps above to reduce or eliminate mold contact.

Learn more about mold here!