Ten measures to combat pollen allergy

This is the most common type of allergy in spring in Quebec, and is mainly caused by pollen spread by plants and trees such as grasses, dandelion, maple and birch.
For most people, the above-mentioned species are harmless, but the bodies of allergy sufferers identify their pollen as an invading agent and release substances such as histamine to protect themselves.
Sneezing, itching and watery eyes
The result is classic symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose and watery eyes, but also potentially serious illnesses such as allergic asthma. With the arrival of spring, the discomfort becomes more acute, due to the high concentration of pollen in the air
If symptoms are very strong or bothersome, an allergist should be consulted, who will prescribe antihistamines or topical corticosteroids. However, the most effective measure against allergy is prevention: avoiding contact with the allergen as much as possible. "In the case of pollen, this is not an easy task, but it's not impossible either. Especially in spring, it can be very useful to adopt simple measures such as avoiding hanging around outside, wearing sunglasses when leaving the house or keeping windows closed during the hours when pollen concentrations are highest.
Ten tips to prevent pollen allergy:
1. Stay indoors. On days when pollen concentrations are highest, and especially on windy days, it's best to opt for activities that can be carried out indoors.
2. Restricted hours. The periods between five and ten in the morning and between seven and ten in the evening are when pollen concentrations are highest. For this reason, reduce outdoor activities during these hours and keep the windows of your home closed.
3.In the car, protecting yourself too. When traveling by car, keep the windows closed to prevent pollen grains from entering the vehicle.
4. Air filters are useful. You can install anti-pollen filters in air conditioners, both at home and in the car. Remember to change them frequently so they don't lose their effectiveness. The use of an air purifier at home will help a lot during the pollen season (with the windows closed, of course).
5. Go out "with a view". When you go out, it's advisable to wear sunglasses so that pollen doesn't come into contact with your eyes.
6.Exposed clothing and body, a magnet for pollen. Pollen grains can be trapped in clothing. So it's a good idea to shower and change your clothes when you get home. If it's not possible to change clothes, it may help to wash your face and hands after exposure. Avoid hanging your clothes outside, especially in spring.
7.Don't remove pollen. In other words, avoid activities likely to stir up pollen particles, such as mowing the lawn or sweeping the patio. If you're allergic to grass pollen, you should also avoid lying on the grass.
8.Take precautions in your garden too. If you have a garden, avoid air-pollinated plants. For example, arizonica hedges are not recommended in the garden of someone allergic to pollens.
9.Don't let your guard down at night. If you spend the night outdoors, it's best not to sleep near sources of allergenic pollens such as trees or plants.
10. Consult your pharmacist. If you are taking specific allergy medication, such as antihistamines, you should always do so under medical supervision, regularly and in the dosage recommended by the specialist. Remember, too, that you should never mix these medications with alcohol. If in doubt, ask your pharmacist.
Wishing you an allergy-free spring ;)
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