Benefits of an air purifier at home and in the office

Avantages d'un purificateur d'air à la maison et au bureau

If you don't already have an air purifier in your home or office, you may not be aware of all the benefits they can offer. Nowadays, these electronic devices are becoming increasingly widespread. They are used in homes, offices and schools. The current health situation has only accelerated their sale, because while they alone cannot eliminate COVID19 from spaces, they are an effective complement to other essential measures such as ventilation and surface disinfection. Especially if they are used correctly and filters are maintained in optimum condition.

The World Health Organization has been warning for years about the quality of the air we breathe. And not just outside our cities, but inside our homes too: bacteria, molds, viruses, kitchen fumes, animal hair, dust, dust mites, paints, varnishesare inhaled daily. In fact, our medical-grade air purifiers have all the filters needed to treat any source of pollution in the home, given that indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air, according to the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

It's also worth bearing in mind that the indoor environment deteriorates when the home or office is located near a busy road or in the center of a large city.. In this article, we'll explain what an air purifier is, exactly what it's used for, and how to use it correctly when needed.

What is an air purifier?

An air purifier is an increasingly popular device that captures air from the environment, using an inverted fan system. Particles pass through a number of powerful filters and charcoal, which trap elements that may be harmful to our health.

Why use an air purifier?

These days, because of the way we live, we spend 90% of our lives indoors. Humans can inhale up to 9,000 liters of air a day. According to experts, modern homes are increasingly insulated to meet energy efficiency requirements, and one of the consequences is that the indoor environment is often up to five times dirtier than outside. But what are the other reasons why you should get one of these air purifiers? We present them to you below:

Fighting COVID19 with the onset of cold weather

If the best advice against coronavirus is to do everything outdoors and ventilate as much as possible inside homes, schools, offices... with the arrival of cold weather, the situation becomes more complicated. Low temperatures mean we can't keep our windows open all the time, and we have to compensate for these intermittent openings with other efficient systems.

The solution is to filter indoor air to rid it of particles harmful to health, including the coronavirus itself, which is trapped in HEPA filters.

Respiratory problems improve with a home air purifier.
If you cough every day, suffer from shortness of breath or asthma attacks, you've probably heard of these electronic devices. They are particularly suitable for people suffering from these problems. Air purifiers significantly eliminate allergic particles in the air.

Eliminate unpleasant odors in the home and office

Air purifiers are also highly effective in homes or offices where there are pets, smoking areas, smoky kitchens, factories or damp areas with unpleasant odors. These will disappear as soon as you install one of these devices.

Air purifiers, the solution for poorly ventilated homes

Small apartments with few windows to allow air to circulate, offices with inadequate ventilation... In these places, it's now essential to install an air purifier for a much cleaner, healthier environment.

Where should an air purifier be installed?

To be effective, the first recommendation is that the air purifier should only be switched on when the room's doors and windows are closed. Otherwise, all the dust, pollution, etc. that enters through the windows could overload the system. In addition to this recommendation, which you'll find in the instructions for use, here are a few other tips to ensure that your air purifier is as effective as possible.

Place it at a medium height, on a small table for example.

It's best to place it on a piece of furniture, such as a coffee table, at a medium height if you're looking to purify the air in a room. Don't forget that when you switch it on, you need to close the doors and windows for it to work properly.

Keep the air purifier away from moisture

Try to avoid leaving the air purifier in high-humidity areas, such as the kitchen or bathroom, even if it's in off mode. Humidity in these rooms can affect its performance.

Keep the unit out of the reach of children and pets.
Do not place this unit where children or pets can reach it. Not only because they could trip over it, but also because if we're not in the room with them at the time, they could handle or play with it and cause an accident.

Not fixed to the wall, nor next to electronic devices.

It's essential that the air inlet and outlet of the air purifier are unobstructed, so that it can function properly. You must also make sure, when you switch it on, that it is not located next to an electronic device, such as a laptop, so that it doesn't cause interference.

How long should the air purifier be switched on?

Although air purifiers are designed to operate 24 hours a day, each model has different recommendations in the operating instructions. How long you leave it on will depend mainly on your needs.

For example, if you're at home or in the office for a few hours, that's when it's most important to leave it on. Try not to leave it on all night, because of the energy and filter replacement costs involved.

It's customary to leave it on for five to eight hours a day during the day, and to purify the air in the bedroom for a few minutes before going to bed. If you're among those who need it because of an allergy problem, turn it on at times when the volume of pollen in the atmosphere is highest.

What's the difference between an air purifier and a dehumidifier?

They may seem similar, but whereas a dehumidifier removes excess humidity from the air, purifying and eliminating the elements (suspended dust, dust mites, fungi and bacteria present in the air...), an air purifier cleans the air more effectively, thanks to three filters that purify 99.9% of it. It uses the pre-filter to retain dust, the HEPA filter for microscopic particles and the activated carbon filter to retain various odors, as offered on all our air purifiers. Some other purifiers, such as the P3001 and the P6006 use a photocatalyst filter to break down molecules, UV light to kill viruses and the ionizer on the P3001 to bind bad particles and make them fall to the ground.

Air purifiers with HEPA filters

The key to choosing one model of air purifier or another is the type of filters. Air quality depends on them. HEPA H13 (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are the most effective on the market. Not all HEPA filters are of the same quality, so it's important to buy from a reputable supplier. HEPA filters are capable of trapping particles with a diameter of 0.1 microns or more, and are 99.97% efficient.

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